The intriguing thriller film FIR 6to6, starring Chinnari Mutha fame Vijay Raghavendra, is all set for release. The movie is produced by Bhagyaramash, who previously produced Pattabhisheka. Directed by K.V. Ramanaraj, the film features cinematography by ONJI. The music for the film has been composed by Satish Babu and M.S. Thyagaraj.

The audio and trailer launch event was recently held, graced by Film Chamber Vice President Shilpa Srinivas and senior director Kudlu Ramakrishna as chief guests. During the post-screening press meet, the team shared insights about the film.

Speaking at the event, lead actor Vijay Raghavendra said, “FIR 6to6 is the vision of Bhagyaramash and Ramanaraj. It’s an action thriller shot entirely in night settings. We worked tirelessly during the nights, sometimes shooting until 4 a.m. Director Ramanaraj has put in immense effort, and we’ve crafted this movie with passion. The story emphasizes action, and working alongside Thriller Manju was a rewarding experience.”

Producer Bhagyaramash mentioned, “We had earlier produced Pattabhisheka, and this script brought by Ramanaraj was very interesting, prompting us to back this project. Vijay Raghavendra has performed exceptionally well.”

Shilpa Srinivas, while addressing the audience, shared her experience of working with S. Ramesh on four successful films and expressed confidence in this collaboration between Vijay Raghavendra and Ramanaraj, predicting a promising outcome.

The film features three female leads: Siri Raj, Swathi, and Yasha Shetty. Siri Raj shared her experience, saying, “I play a girl living in constant fear, and it’s a compelling character.” Swathi and Yasha Shetty also spoke about their roles and contributions.

Director Ramanaraj, who previously collaborated with Telugu actor J.D. Chakravarthy, explained, “This concept was inspired during the making of another project. FIR 6to6 is my second directorial venture, and it unfolds as a gripping story that takes place between 6 PM and 6 AM. It narrates the struggles of a young man caught in a challenging situation.”

The film, shot entirely over 35 nights, has been a unique experience for the team. Editor Nagendra Aras, actor Vidyabharan, and music director M.S. Thyagaraj also spoke about the distinctive elements of the film, expressing confidence in its appeal to audiences.


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