The Power Star Karnataka Rathna Dr. Puneeth Rajkumar’s wife, Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar, is entering the field of education. The esteemed lady has joined hands with Sunita Gowda, Spurti Vishwas, Shruti Kiran, and Dr. Bindu Rana to start Junior Toes International Preschool.

At the inauguration ceremony, Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar said, “Puneeth and I had this dream of entering the education sector 20 years ago. This project fulfills my dream – to create schools that nurture the potential of every child, playing a vital role not only in academic excellence but also in building character and leadership.”

Junior Toes International Preschool, a revolutionary early childhood education project, is set to pave a new path for children’s learning and development. Led by renowned educationist Sunita Gowda, with the visionary encouragement of Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar and the cutting-edge curriculum of Dr. Bindu Rana, Junior Toes is designed to foster leadership, creativity, and entrepreneurial thinking.

Leadership trainer and motivational speaker Spurti Vishwas has joined hands to inspire a generation of confident young leaders by bringing her expertise. The scheme was inaugurated at the Indian Women Achievers Awards function in the presence of Higher Education Minister Dr. M.C. Sudhakar and educationist Aishwarya D.K.S. Hegde.

Wishing everyone the best, Dr. Sudhakar said, “Education, the cornerstone of life, especially in the formative years, is a key factor in establishing an individual’s future. There have been significant changes in the curriculum in preschools over the past several years, and it is heartening to see this group of women entering the field of education.”

Starting with five centers in Bengaluru city, the first five Foundation Learning Centers will offer a revolutionary approach to education through modern facilities, experienced teachers, and an innovative curriculum. These centers are not just schools; they are transformative spaces that inspire children to think creatively, act confidently, and lead boldly.

Speaking about this project, Sunita Gowda said, “This is a step towards creating a future-ready generation. These centers empower children to dream boldly, think creatively, and lead with confidence.”

Dr. Bindu Rana shared, “Our curriculum is designed to provide children with a foundation that integrates scientific principles, creativity, and leadership, ensuring they are prepared for future challenges and opportunities.”

Ms. Spoorti Vishwas said, “Education is the most powerful tool to create leaders. Through these centers, we are shaping a generation that will not only dream of the future but will lead it.”

Vision of Nationwide Expansion: Although the journey begins in Bengaluru, the team is excited to expand this initiative to cities across India, ensuring access to this innovative education model for children everywhere.

About the Initiative: Foundation Learning Centers represent a collaborative effort to reimagine education, combining academic excellence with a focus on leadership and entrepreneurial skills. These centers aim to inspire a generation of confident and innovative thinkers who will shape the future.


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