The renowned Kannada cinema actor known for his character and comedy roles, who also starred in the lead role in ‘Ikkat,’ is currently grappling with shock and dismay over the unfortunate incident that occurred on the night of September 30th. In this tragic event, a 48-year-old woman named Smt. Prema lost her life on the spot, while her husband, Krishna, is currently receiving treatment in the ICU.

The incident transpired when Nagabhushan was driving his car along a narrow lane, and it collided with the couple who were out for a nighttime walk on September 30th at Konanakunte Cross.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Nagabhushan promptly rushed the injured couple to the hospital. Unfortunately, Smt. Prema tragically passed away, but her husband received immediate medical attention and is now in the process of recovering.

Nagabhushan acted responsibly and immediately contacted the police using his mobile phone to report the incident. He willingly went to the police station, secured bail, and underwent a medical examination to determine if he was under the influence of alcohol. The medical certificate conclusively confirmed that Nagabhushan was not intoxicated.

Following this harrowing experience, Nagabhushan bravely faced the media to clarify his situation. He expressed profound apologies and extended his support to the bereaved family, pledging to assist them in any way possible.

Addressing the media, Nagabhushan revealed that he intimately understands the devastating impact of such accidents, having lost his father in a hit-and-run accident when he was just a child. He lamented that if his father had received timely medical attention, he might still be alive today. Given this painful personal experience, Nagabhushan undertook the responsibility of aiding Smt. Prema and Krishna, but unfortunately, his sincere efforts did not yield the desired outcome. He empathizes with the family’s current plight and stands ready to aid.

In a heartfelt plea before the media on Monday afternoon, Nagabhushan emphasized the importance of not fleeing or evading responsibilities at the scene of an accident. He urged everyone to promptly come to the aid of victims in such situations.


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