The much-anticipated Kannada film Sanju Weds Geetha-2, directed by Nagashekar, which created significant buzz in Sandalwood, was released across the state last week in a grand manner. The film garnered positive responses from both audiences and critics alike. Originally slated for release on January 10, the movie faced a legal hurdle when a Hyderabad-based individual obtained a court injunction, preventing its release. As a result, the film finally hit the screens on January 17.
Post-release, audiences were captivated by the film’s content, songs, and grand production value. While the narration and cinematography received widespread praise, some felt there was scope for further refinement in certain aspects of the movie. Due to the initial release-related hurdles, the production team couldn’t focus on every detail. Consequently, on January 20, the team instructed distributors to temporarily halt screenings of the film in all centers.
Now, 20 minutes of heartfelt new scenes are being added to the film, bringing Sanju Weds Geetha-2 back in a refreshed and innovative format. Producer Chalavadi Kumar and director Nagashekar have announced to the media that the re-release date of the revamped film will be revealed very soon.