The trailer of Unlock Raghava, which has already captured hearts through its teaser and songs, has been released. Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar unveiled the trailer and wished the team success. The event was graced by several dignitaries, including B.M. Harish, former president of the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce, Kushal and B.M. Girish from the Chamber, actor Pratham, and Jim Ravi. The team members addressed the audience post-launch.
“Our movie’s title was unveiled a few days ago by Ashwini Puneeth Rajkumar, and today, she has also released the trailer. This brings us immense joy. The trailer was finalized early this morning, and I thank my team for ensuring its release as planned,” said director Deepak Madhuvanahalli. He added that Unlock Raghava, starring young talents Milind and Rachel David (Love Mocktail 2 fame) in lead roles, is produced by Manjunath Dasegowda and Girish Kumar. The story and screenplay are penned by Satyaprakash of Rama Rama Re fame, with cinematography by Lavith and music composed by Anoop Seelin. The movie is set to hit theaters on February 7.
Lead actor Milind expressed gratitude to Ashwini Rajkumar for her constant support and said, “Unlock Raghava has everything a viewer desires. Sadhu Kokila has acted in numerous films, but his role in this movie is something unique. Our film releases on February 7, and I invite everyone to watch it with their families.”
Lead actress Rachel David shared, “My role in Unlock Raghava is wonderful. My character’s name is Janaki.”
Producer Manjunath Dasegowda, who has produced four films including Udgharsha, said, “The film has turned out great, thanks to the team’s cooperation. Watching the technical show recently brought me immense happiness.”
Co-producer Girish Kumar added, “Though I’ve been connected to the film industry for 17 years, this is my first venture as a producer. I loved the story when director Deepak narrated it, but I loved it even more after seeing it on the screen.”
Lyricist Hridayashiva spoke about the movie’s songs, which are expected to captivate audiences.
Unlock Raghava releases on February 7.