Under the banner of Varamahalakshmi Movies, C.G. Gangaraju Dibburu and Mekke Shivu are producing the film “Bandekavi,” directed by environmentalist Sreerajani and starring Mohan Kumar in the lead role. The movie’s launch event was recently held at Panchamukhi Ganapati Temple in Mahalakshmi Layout. Varamahalakshmi initiated the first shot by holding the clapboard, while Ravishankar Reddy R. operated the camera and wished the team well. Many dignitaries, including Nagendra Aras, and crew members were present at the event.
This marks Sreerajani Paristarapremi’s third directorial venture after “Nava Itihasa” and “Gulle Nari.” “Bandekavi” is a reincarnation story that blends suspense with a thrilling love narrative. For Mohan Kumar, who previously starred in the film “Adavi,” this is his second film as a lead actor. The selection of the heroine and other cast members is currently underway. Several veteran actors are set to appear in the film, with more details to be revealed soon.
Filming is scheduled to begin in February, with locations including Bengaluru, Tumakuru, Ramanagara, and Chamarajanagara.
With Harsha Kagodu composing the music, Sandeep Honnalli handling cinematography, and editing by Sunay Jain, Samarth M. is serving as the film’s executive producer.