The trailer of the patriotic film “Hyena”, known for its unique storyline, was unveiled by Bengaluru South MP Tejasvi Surya. Written and directed by Venkat Bharadwaj, the film is set for release on January 31. Tejasvi Surya released the trailer and extended his best wishes to the team.
“Hyena” aims to deliver a powerful message to society. Addressing contemporary issues to raise public awareness is truly commendable. MP Tejasvi Surya expressed his hope that this effort would inspire social consciousness, bring success to Venkat Bharadwaj, and lead to more films from him.
Director Venkat Bharadwaj expressed his happiness in directing a film with a patriotic narrative. He mentioned that the movie showcases the operations of intelligence agencies, police, and defense departments. He thanked Tejasvi Surya for releasing the trailer. Venkat also shared that the censor board asked them to avoid using certain country names in the film, which was slightly disappointing, but overall, with the team’s support, “Hyena” has turned out well. The film will release on January 31.
Story writer Lakshman Shivashankar explained that the movie depicts how illegal immigrants infiltrate the country and how internal security and terrorist funding operate.
Cinematographer Nishanth Nani, editor Shameek, and others shared insights about the film.
Produced by Venkat Bharadwaj and Raj Kamal, the film features talented actors like Harsha Arjun, Diganth Swaroop, Raj Kamal, Lakshman Shivashankar, Nandakishore, and Lawrence Preetam.