The song Lock Lock from the movie Unlock Raghava, written by Pramod Maravante, composed by Anoop Seelin, and sung by the renowned Vijay Prakash, was grandly released at Bharat Cinemas in Shivamogga. Thousands of Kannada cinema fans witnessed the vibrant launch event. Before the release, the film team shared insights about the song during a media interaction in Bengaluru.

Director Deepak Madhavanahalli said, “The energy in this song reflects the energy of the entire film. This was the first song composed for the movie and also the last to undergo voice mixing. It also serves as the title track. Vijay Prakash has beautifully sung Pramod Maravante’s lyrics, and Anoop Seelin’s music has added charm to it. Lavith’s cinematography has enhanced the song’s appeal. Our film is all set to release on February 7.”

Actor Milind Gautham shared his excitement: “I first heard this song in the director’s car and was instantly thrilled. Later, I worked with Murali Master to choreograph the steps. This is the song that introduces my character in the movie, and it is also my favorite among the three songs in the film. I’m grateful to Pramod Maravante and Anoop Seelin for this wonderful track. It’s a dream come true that my debut film’s first song is sung by Vijay Prakash.”

The producer, Manjunath Dasegowda, said, “Initially, we thought of shooting this song on a set, but Murali Master suggested the Destino Resort as the perfect location. It’s a special moment for me as this song was launched in my hometown of Shivamogga. Unlock Raghava is a project close to my heart, as it introduces my son Milind as the lead actor, paired with Rachel David. Directed by Deepak Madhavanahalli, the film is written by D. Satyaprakash, with Lavith handling cinematography and Ajay Kumar overseeing editing. We hope for your support.”

Choreographer Murali Master added, “Milind’s performance in this song doesn’t seem like his debut. The song has turned out beautifully, with three days of dedicated shooting.”

The film Unlock Raghava promises to be an engaging experience and will hit theaters on February 7.


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