One of the first films set to release in 2025 is the Kannada film Guns and Roses. The film marks the debut of Arjun, son of the famous Kannada cinema story writer Ajay Kumar. Produced by H. R. Nataraj under the banner of Drona Creations, the film is directed by Srinivas Kumar.

Producer H. R. Nataraj, who is also a builder, politician, and filmmaker, shared his journey with the project: “It was the trust I had in Shyam Shanker that inspired me to invest in this film. I entered the film industry on his advice. The director, Srinivas Kumar, is a friend of mine. He told me about this film and showed me a photo of the hero, Arjun. Now the release is in the New Year. Our film will hit theaters on January 3 through Gokul Films. I hope for your support,” said producer Nataraj.

Director Srinivas Kumar, speaking about his debut project, said: “I have worked as an associate director on many films over twenty-five years. This is my first film as a director, and I am thankful to the producers for giving me this opportunity. Ajay Kumar’s son Arjun is making his debut as a hero through this film. Yashvika Nishkala is the heroine. The star cast includes Kishore, Avinash, Shobh Raj, Neenasam Ashwath, and others. Shashikumar has composed the music, Janardhan Babu handled the cinematography, Sanjeev Reddy edited the film, and Thriller Manju directed the action. Sharath has written the story, screenplay, and dialogues.”

Arjun, the debutant hero, expressed his gratitude: “I acted as a child artist in the film Nanda Loves Nandita, and this is my first role as a hero. I prepared extensively for the role and learned a lot from senior technicians and artists. The action scenes turned out well thanks to their guidance. I am grateful to the producers and the entire team for this opportunity.”

Story writer Sharath elaborated on the film’s theme:

“This is a love story that blossoms in the underworld, which is why it is titled Guns and Roses. The story is inspired by the drug mafia issues happening around us. Ajay Kumar is my guru, and it is a privilege to write the story for the debut film of his son.”

Renowned writer Ajay Kumar shared his emotions: “It has been forty years since I entered the film industry, and now my son is making his debut as a hero with this film. I seek your encouragement and blessings for him.”

Heroine Yashvika Nishkala, actors Neenasam Ashwath, Jeevan Richie, music director Shashikumar, and cinematographer Janardhan Babu also shared their experiences working on the film.

Distributor Gokul Raj announced: “The film will be released in more than eighty theaters.”


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