Actor Pramod Shetty, who has won the hearts of the public with his amazing performance, and Step of Loki in the lead role, Jalandhara, directed by Vishnu V. Prasanna, is releasing nationwide this week on November 29. The film, which has gained popularity through its songs and trailer, has created a lot of interest from the very beginning.

The story of this water-themed film is written and directed by Vishnu V. Prasanna, with a story by Step of Loki and dialogue by Shyam Sundar.

Produced by Madan S under the Step Up Pictures banner, Chandramohan CL, Ramesh Ramachandra, and Padmanabhan Mangudoddy are co-producers for the film. Rashmit Kumar is the executive producer.

Kerala-based Sarin Ravindran and Vidya Shankar PS handled the cinematography, G. Music was directed by Jatin Darshan, and the score was composed by Venky U D V. The film stars Pramod Shetty, Step of Loki, Rushika Raj (Tagaru Saroja), Arohitha Gowda (Chairman), Bala Rajwadi, Raghu Ramanakoppa, Naveen Sagar, Pratap Samwari, Adi Keshavareddy, Bhishma Ramaiah, Vijayaraj, Prasad, Vishal Patil, and Ambu, among others.


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