The hilarious film based on true incidents and reflecting current affairs, ‘Mooru Kasina Kudure’, featuring Poornachandra Mysore, Govinde Gowda, and Sanatani in three separate story tracks, unveiled its trailer at a media meet on Wednesday morning at SRV Theater.

The good news for this four-year-old film is that Amazon Prime has acquired it on a rental basis for Rs.99 per view, with a 70 percent revenue share for the producer. In just a week of streaming, ‘Mooru Kasina Kudure’ has garnered encouraging reviews and appreciation from audiences.

What’s interesting about ‘Mooru Kasina Kudure’ (a title drawn from the song in Anjada Gandu, a 1988 Kannada film featuring Crazy Star V Ravichandran, with music by Hamsalekha) is its three-part structure. The second part is now available to the public on the OTT platform, creating curiosity about the events before and after, which adds to the film’s appeal. This unique approach stems from the creative vision of director-producer Karthru Girish and writer-producer Girish Gowda.

“We’ve made it directly to streaming instead of theaters,” the ‘Mooru Kasina Kudure’ team proudly remarks, looking forward to assessing its reach after a month on Amazon.

The story of ‘Mooru Kasina Kudure’ follows Poornachandra Mysore, an aspiring filmmaker; Govinde Gowda, a cab driver; and Sanatani, a runaway bride. Their paths converge as they embark on a journey filled with incidents that touch the heart and keep viewers engaged. According to writer Girish, the idea began with a real-life incident of sharing a taxi, which then evolved into a full story.

Director Girish, who has spent 18 years in theater and worked on several popular TV serials, explains the film’s concept. Poornachandra Mysore, a talented actor of Kannada cinema, shared how his character’s journey through various challenges is fascinating. He also expressed gratitude for the encouragement provided by cinematographer Pradeep Gandhi (who passed away two years ago) during filming, which helped him grow as an actor. He feels the film resonates with themes of humanity.

Govinde Gowda, a beloved comedic actor, plays the cab driver. With two “GGs” (Girish Gowda and Girish Karthru) leading the project, Govinde humorously refers to it as Kalina Kudure. He was thrilled when he learned he would be featured throughout the film.

Sanatani, known for her work in numerous past films, agreed to join after hearing part of the story. She notes that the film’s core theme revolves around how circumstances push us to make difficult choices in life.

Anand Rajavikram composed the music for three songs, with vocals by Raghu Dixit, Vasuki Vybhav, and Aditi Sagar. Mohan L handled the editing.

The cast also includes Arun Palegar, Hebbale Krishna, Rockline Sudhakar, and others.

Encouraged by the positive response on OTT, the team now plans for a theatrical release in November.


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