The first song from the film featuring Pramod Shetty has been released. The lyrical video of ‘Huttutta Navu,’ a song from the film ‘Jalandhara,’ starring Pramod Shetty in the lead, has been released on Jhankar Music YouTube channel. Written by Manvarshi Navalgund, the song is sung by Avinash Basatkoor, with music composed by Jatin Darshan. PRO Sudhindra Venkatesh launched the song and wished success. Bharat Jain from Jhankar Music and lead actor Pramod Shetty were also present. Later, the film team shared their thoughts.

This story was narrated to me before the pandemic by my friend Step Off Loki. After hearing it, I found it quite impressive. When producers weren’t available, we decided to produce it ourselves, and I took on the direction. However, I needed some time, and later producer Madan took charge of the production. I play a police officer in this as well, but it’s a serious role. I am not the only hero in this film; the story and the performances of the actors make everyone a hero. Folk art from the Kanakapura region has been utilized in the movie. The song released today tries to convey the film’s story. The lyrics written by Manvarshi Navalgund are heart-touching, said lead actor Pramod Shetty.

I am from Kanakapura. The story told by my grandmother about water inspired me to write this film. I narrated this story to Pramod Shetty near Rakshit Shetty’s site, and Pramod immediately agreed. I scoured all of Bangalore looking for producers, and that’s when I met Madan. Along with him, co-producers Chandramohan C.L., Ramesh Ramachandra, and Padmanabhan Mangudoddy also joined in. I have also acted in the film, and with everyone’s cooperation, the film has turned out great, said the writer and actor Step Off Loki.

Loki wrote the story, and I directed it. Life is precious to everyone, and death can come in any form. Especially near water, one must be cautious. We’ve made a small effort to raise awareness about life. The story of our film takes place underwater. I am happy to have directed a unique story. The movie is set to release in November, said director Vishnu V Prasanna.

Rishika Raj, known for her role in ‘Tagaru,’ mentioned that she stars opposite Pramod Shetty in the film. Arohith Gowda, famous for ‘Adhyaksha,’ spoke about his role. Producer Madan S. requested everyone to watch and support the film. Lyricist Manvarshi Navalgund, music director Jatin Darshan, cinematographer Sarin Ravindran, actor Raghu Ramnakoppa, and co-producer Ramesh Ramachandra were also present at the press meet.

Bal Rajavadi, Naveen Sagar, Prathap Nanasu, Aadi Keshavareddy, Bhishma Ramayya, Vijayraj, Prasad, Ambu, Nataraj Bellideepa, Vishal Patil are part of the cast of ‘Jalandhara.’ Rashmith Kumar served as the executive producer.


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