A film based on the martial art of Kalaripayattu, which is predominantly practiced in Kerala, is ready for release. The movie is titled ‘Look Back.’ It has been made in Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, and English, with the Kannada version named ‘Nenne Manave.’ The film is set to release on September 27 in Karnataka and Kerala. The trailer launch event took place recently, with veteran music director Hamsalekha unveiling the trailer. He said, “I have played a supporting role in the movie. The purpose of making a film on India’s ancient art form is commendable. I have worked on the song. ‘Kalari’ can be interpreted as removing impurities. The movie conveys the message that one must be aware, both mentally and physically. It is a story of revenge, but in the climax, forgiveness is emphasized. Today’s girls should learn this art for their self-protection,” he added.

The film has been directed, acted, and produced by Ranjan Mularat. During the event, Ranjan shared insights about the movie, saying, “The film started three years ago and has progressed through struggles. Kalaripayattu is a part of martial arts. Since the story resonates with all languages, the trailer was released in English. You can say that Kalaripayattu itself is the hero of the movie. The 84-year-old Padma Shri awardee Meenakshi Amma, who is a master of Kalaripayattu, has acted in the movie, which is a great strength for us. The music is the heart of the film. Along with Hamsalekha, four international music directors have worked on the project. The movie will release in Kerala and Karnataka on September 27, followed by releases across the country and abroad. It is an informative film for students,” he said.

Upasana Gurjen, who plays the lead role in the movie, said, “I was scared when the director narrated the story. This film is very special to me. We shot at my grandmother’s house. I underwent Kalaripayattu training to prepare for my role. In today’s world, learning Kalari is a great option for women’s self-defense, and it’s also good for health,” she added. Cinematographer Krishna Nayak said, “There are 10 fight sequences in the movie. We shot for one month in Kerala and Agumbe.” The director’s son, Aryanath Mularat, and his wife, Sini Ranjan, also shared their experiences on stage.


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