The Kannada film Life of Mridula, produced by Madankumar C under the banner of Madan Movies, features a team of newcomers. Yogideva Gange, who has written the dialogue, has also joined the production efforts, with support from Tejaswini R. Gowda.

Chetan Triven, hailing from Kolar, who has gained experience working under many directors, has written the film’s structure, screenplay, and directed the film.

The songs, released last month, have gained considerable attention. As part of the second phase of promotion, the trailer launch event was held grandly at Renukamba Studios. Veteran actor Dattanna launched the trailer and expressed immense appreciation for the film, having seen it a few days prior.

Dattanna remarked that condensing a two-hour film into a two-minute trailer is a creative challenge. The efforts of the director and editor in this task are truly commendable, and they deserve appreciation for it. The trailer is well-crafted and successfully compels viewers to watch the movie.

Dattanna further commented, “I am a tough critic. I don’t give my approval easily. The director asked for my opinion, and I made it clear that I would only provide it after watching the entire film. After doing so, I was deeply moved. That is the first strength of this film. Cinema has its own unique tone and languageā€”it’s not like reading a book. This film attempts to convey the importance of protecting the humane aspects of women. It is deeply moving. Despite being made by newcomers, there is no shortage of talent among the cast. I will speak more about this film in the coming days at different events.”

Senior journalist Hariprakash expressed curiosity about why the film received an ‘A’ certificate. “As a critical reviewer, I believe this film stands out from others,” he explained.

Life of Mridula is a dark fantasy drama spanning three different periods of the protagonist’s life. It showcases how Mridula faces unexpected challenges in life, presented in the form of a thriller with intriguing twists and turns.

Pooja Lokpur plays the heroine, with a cast that includes Ashasujay, Shashank, Kuldeep, Yogidevgange, Tejaswini R. Gowda, Anup Thomas, Prithi Chidanand, Sharif, and others. The music is composed by Rahul S. Vastar, cinematography is by Achu Suresh, and editing is done by Vasanthakumar K.

The film was shot over 25 days in the beautiful locations of Bangalore and Kundapur. It is slated for release in August.


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