The special song “Kan Kan Talking, Kai Kai Touching” from the Kannada film ‘Gopilola,’ directed by R Ravindra, has been released. The song is penned by Keshav Chandra, with music by Midun Asokan of Chennai. Shashank Seshagiri and Geeta Bhatt have recorded the song. Manjunath Arasu and Jahnavi have performed choreography by Dhananjay.

SR Sanath Kumar has invested in the ‘Gopilola’ movie, which combines natural farming and a love story. Actor Manjunath has joined as a co-producer. Manjunath is paired with Nimisha K Chandra, and the cast includes actress Jahnavi, S. Narayan, Padma Vasanthi, Nagesh Yadav, Swathi, veteran director Josaiman, Telugu actor Saptagiri, and others.

‘Gopilola’ features dialogues by Kesavachandra, editing by KM Prakash, music by Midun Asokan of Chennai, background music by Rakesh Acharya, and cinematography by Suryakant H. Action direction is handled by Thriller Manju and Johnny.

Director R Ravindra has previously directed films such as Chalagara, Sarkari Kelasa Devara Kelasa, Manasinaata, Bangarada Makkalu, February 14, and the Marathi film Mission Ambulance. He has now finished shooting for ‘Gopilola’ and is busy with promotional work.


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