Dhuniya Vijay, also known as B R Vijay Kumar, is hoping for wonderful prospects for his second directorial venture, “Bheema,” following his debut direction “Salaga.”

A gutsy actor known for powerful action scenes since his “Dhuniya” days in 2007, Vijay Kumar has reached new heights with “Bheema,” a film with a concept already highlighting societal issues.

Vijay Kumar, very intelligent in his approach, skillfully handled the shoot, post-production, and censorship of “Bheema” with great knowledge.

In a chat with a few media persons after the release of “Bheema” songs at MMB Legacy’s 4th-floor dining hall, Vijay Kumar shed light on various topics.

Here are some highlights from the conversation held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, evening:

Dhuniya Vijay is B R Vijay Kumar. It was his mother’s wish to change his name back to his birth name, Vijay Kumar.

“Bheema” addresses a crucial issue tapping at society’s door. Vijay Kumar hopes the media will write about this danger and urge the government to take quick action to eradicate it. He believes that this would serve and strengthen his purpose for addressing more such topics in his films.

Vijay Kumar mentioned that he has more ideas for future films and needs support. He plans to discuss certain topics with the media after the film’s release for the betterment of the future.

He admitted that writers are not given due prominence. Outstanding scripts, dialogues, and other writings are essential, and the field deserves the right amount of recognition.

“Bheema” was shot over 125 days, spanning two years. The team traveled extensively, capturing natural settings with minimal makeup for the artists. Some surprises await the audience in the film.

With 70 percent of new faces, filming in rugged, rowdy areas posed a big responsibility, especially ensuring the safety of many artists. Vijay Kumar witnessed challenging situations, such as a small boy wielding a knife, making the shoot difficult.

The film features five action sequences and six songs, running for 145 minutes and has received an “A” certificate.

Vijay Kumar learned many things while making “Bheema,” including the importance of protecting the team from troublemakers, especially during shoots in slums.

His decision to take up direction was influenced by the “Johny Johny Yes Papa” days. He was told that his films did not do well, with a producer quoting a low price and advising him to restrict his focus. This irked him, and his direction of “Salaga” post-Corona was a reply to that producer. His journey continues.

In K Manju S Narayan and Shreyas Manju’s film, he is merely a guest.

He has finished 50 percent of Jadesh’s film, which he finds a very interesting subject and loves dearly.

Vijay Kumar stated that other languages only take big star films, and he doesn’t focus on others, preferring not to compete with smaller films.

His daughter from New York is arriving in 20 days, and he aims to carve a future for her.

From “Bheema,” music director Charan Raj earns the Emperor of Music crown.


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