Om Shivam, starring Bhargav Krishna, is a love story with a difference. Apparently, father Krishna is the investor for his son Bhargav’s debut film, and Bhargav’s grandparents, Sri Srinivas Swamy and his wife, were present to unveil the trailer of the film. The lyrical song of the film, on the significance of Lord Shiva, was written in Sanskrit by Sriram Tapasvi and set to music by Vijay Yardley. It was also screened on this occasion.

Bhargav, who resides in Dubai, came to Bengaluru to act in this film. The hero in his personality was identified by director Alwyn. M.N. Krishna, Bhargav’s father, is very happy with the total outcome of the film and thanked director Alwyn for making the right choices for this film, Om Shivam.

Bhargav Krishna planned for his debut for one year. He attended acting classes, dance lessons, fight training, etc., and then came before the camera. He thanked his co-stars for taking good care of him on the sets.

The female protagonist of the film, Varanika Shetty, in her fourth film, said Bhargav learnt a lot of things and came perfectly prepared to the camera in Om Shivam. She thanked the director and producer for selecting her for this film.

According to director Alwyn, the film is a comeback for him after seven years. He had previously directed Raja Bahaddur. Om Shivam is a love story in the beginning. There is a jolt when the heroine is lost, but when she bounces back to life, the issues the protagonist faces form the crux of the film.

Yash Shetty, Cockroach Sudhi, Vardhan, Apoorva, Lakshmi Siddaiah, action director Kaurava Venkatesh, music director Vijay Yardley, and cameraman Veeresh (who was bitten by a scorpion during a night shoot in a forest while it was heavily raining) spoke about their experiences working on this film. Malavalli Saikrishna has penned the dialogues for this film. Nagesh has done the dance direction for the four songs.


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