The highly anticipated film ‘FireFly,’ produced by Nivedita Sivarajkumar, continues to generate buzz with its impressive cast. Recently, the production team announced the addition of actress and director Sheetal Shetty and veteran actor Moogu Suresh. Adding to the excitement, renowned Kannada actress Sudharani has also joined the cast.

Sudharani, celebrated for her illustrious career in Kannada cinema, takes on the role of Padma, the protagonist’s mother, in ‘FireFly.’ She has already completed her scenes and finished dubbing for her part.

Expressing her joy, Sudharani said, “Anything coming from Appaji’s house feels like home. Nivi, who grew up before my eyes, is now starting a production company as a producer. I’m very happy. The story and production of this movie are exceptional. I urge Kannada art lovers to support this film. The director, though initially shy, displayed great enthusiasm, especially for my small role. I appreciate his dedication. Unlike most debut directors who opt for big-budget, multi-starrer action films, he has focused on relationships, creating a family-friendly movie.”

In ‘FireFly,’ Vamshi not only stars as the hero but also takes on the role of director. This film marks his debut as an independent director and a leading actor, under Nivedita’s production.

Shivarajkumar has always been a champion for new talent, and Nivedita Sivarajkumar follows in his footsteps by providing opportunities to emerging artists. Her production house, ‘Shri Muthu Cine Services,’ is dedicated to nurturing young talents and innovative ideas.

The ‘FireFly’ team boasts a talented crew: Jay Ram as co-director, Abhilash Kallatti handling cinematography, Charan Raj directing music, and Raghu Niduvalli writing dialogues. With almost all shooting complete, only one song remains to be filmed.


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