Produced by Anand Mugad, directed by Gangadhar Salimath of the award-winning film “Ayana,” and starring “Chinnari Mutta” Vijay Raghavendra in the lead role, “Grey Games” was released last month and has been enjoying a successful run. Recently, the film team celebrated the successful completion of twenty-five days. The producers honored the crew with a memento.

Director Gangadhar Salimath stated that the film is still being screened in 26 theaters across Karnataka, including Bangalore. “No matter how much we promote, people’s opinion about our film is final. As they are spreading the word about our film, it has been able to run for twenty-five days,” he said. He thanked the audience and the film crew for making the film a success.

Producer Anand Mugad expressed, “It was my dream to make movies. Now, it is even more fulfilling that the film is nearing its twenty-fifth day. I would like to thank everyone on this occasion.”

Actor Vijay Raghavendra mentioned that “Grey Games” has been loved by the audience. “The director taught me a lot about acting,” he added. New actor Jai expressed his gratitude, saying, “I am grateful to the producers for giving me this opportunity.”

Actress Bhavna Rao also shared her joy regarding the film’s success. Executive producer Basavaraj and others were present at the celebration.


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