Indrajith Lankesh, a multitasking personality – director, producer, writer, cricketer, etc., has made a brilliant decision to introduce his tall and lanky son, Samarjeeth. He is now unveiling the first introduction song of his son in ‘Gauri’. The razzle-dazzle show at BMS Engineering College attracted onlookers, and the event for ‘Gauri’s’ first song has already gone viral on social media.

It is known to all that Samarjit Lankesh, the son of journalist, director, and producer Indrajit Lankesh, is making his film debut as a hero in the film “Gauri”. Produced and directed by Indrajit Lankesh, this film has been making a lot of noise since its inception. Recently, the first song of the film “Gauri” was launched in the presence of thousands of students at BMS Engineering College, Basavanagudi.

Indrajit Lankesh, Samarjit Lankesh, the beautiful Sanya Iyer, Avinash, Vishnu, etc., were present at the function. The song “Time Baratte”, written by Vijay Eshwar, was released as the debut song of the film, and the famous music director Chandan Shetty has composed and sung for this song. This song, which resonates with the masses, is receiving a lot of appreciation. Released by Anand Audio, this song is garnering a high number of views.

Speaking after the release of the song, producer and director Indrajit Lankesh said, “Today we have released the first song of the film ‘Gauri’. There are a total of seven songs in the film, with five music directors contributing. More than a dozen famous singers from India have lent their voices to the songs of the movie ‘Gauri’. Today, the lyrical video of the first song composed by Chandan Shetty has been released. Additionally, hero Samarjith, heroine Sanya Iyer, and actress Sanyukta Hegde have also created reels for this song. The lyrical video and reels of this song are receiving a lot of appreciation. The rest of the songs will be unveiled in the coming days. Preparations are underway to release the film soon.”

“The first song of the film ‘Gauri’ is receiving a lot of appreciation, and we need good wishes for our film,” said hero Samarjit Lankesh and heroine Sanya Iyer at the packed auditorium.


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