Tejaswini Ramesh, the daughter of the esteemed and modest producer Ramesh Reddy (Nangli), recently tied the knot with Karthik Reddy. The wedding ceremony, hosted in grandeur by Ramesh Reddy at Bengaluru Palace on 3 April 2024, was attended by politicians, cinema celebrities, media personalities, as well as family and friends.

Ramesh Reddy, known for his contributions as a builder in MR Constructions, has played a pivotal role in constructing some of Infosys Foundation’s premier edifices, showcasing his exceptional taste and prowess. Additionally, as part of SP Suraj Productions, Ramesh Reddy has helmed the production of several acclaimed Kannada films such as ‘Uppi Huli Khara’, ‘Nathicharami’, ‘Padde Huli’, ‘100’, and ‘Galipata 2′. Currently, his latest production, under the direction of Century Films’ music director Arjun Janya, is nearing completion.

The wedding reception, held at Gayatri Grand Gate No. 4 of Palace Grounds near Menkri Circle, featured a captivating live concert by Arjun Janya, courtesy of Ramesh Reddy. Notably, the ‘Bigara Oota’ served at the event was a standout highlight among the festivities.

Tejaswini Ramesh, daughter of Smt. S Uma and Mr. M Ramesh Reddy, is now married to Karthik Reddy C, son of Smt. L Anitha and Mr. D Chandrasekhar Reddy.

The esteemed guests at the wedding reception included Ramesh Aravind, Dhruva Sarja, Yogaraj Bhat, Guru Deshpande, Gurukiran, Arjun Janya, Diganth, AP Arjun, PRO Sudheendra Venkatesh, and others.


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