Produced by H Somasekhar and directed by Aaron Karthik Venkatesh, the songs and teaser of the movie “Panchendriyam” were recently released under the Raj Priya Productions banner. Kaviratna Dr. V. Nagendra Prasad unveiled the teaser and songs and extended his best wishes to the film’s team.

The “five senses” are divine gifts for our well-being. The central theme of this film revolves around the consequences of their misuse. The film features six songs, for which I composed the music myself. It encompasses four adventurous scenarios. H Somashekhar has produced this film, with Afzal not only portraying the second lead but also serving as an executive producer. The movie stars Vinay Surya as the hero, alongside Vidyasree and Raghavi as the heroines. Filming took place in Devarayanadurga, Dabas Pete, and other locations. As anticipated, director Aaron Karthik Venkatesh announced that the film will hit screens in April.

“This is the second film produced by our company. We hope for your continued support,” said producer H Somasekhar. Afzal mentioned his dual role as an executive producer and a lead actor in the film.

Vinay Surya shared, “I began my acting journey as a child actor in the film ‘Jakkanachari Avana Tamma Shuklachari’ and ascended to the role of a hero through this film.” Yathiraj, Victory Vasu, Ganesh Rao, and Pawan, who also starred in the film, provided insights into their respective roles. Suresh Chikkanna of Siri Music attended the media briefing.


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