The handsome hunk Praveen Kumar, known for his debut in ‘Love 360’, a Kannada film, unveiled the first teaser of his second film, ‘Desai’, at a well-attended event. Former Deputy CM Lakshman Savadi graced the occasion and unveiled the teaser.

‘Desai’, written and produced by Mahantesh V Cholachagudda under the Sriveerabhadreshwar Creative Films banner, is directed by Nagireddy Bhada. Mallikarjuna Loni, Vijayakumar PG, and others graced the teaser release event as guests.

“Film production is my dream. The reason for that dream to come true is the cooperation of the film team. I thank Laxman Savadi for standing behind me, encouraging me, and releasing the teaser today. ‘Desai’ is a family film, with most of the shooting taking place in Bagalkot. I remember the cooperation of the people there,” said Producer Mahantesha V Cholachagudda, expressing his gratitude and determination to release the film soon.

“The film turned out as expected. The main reason for that is the producers and the film crew. Watching the movie encourages us,” mentioned director Nagireddy Bhada in his speech.

“My role in my previous film ‘Love 360’ was different. The character in this film is distinct. I have prepared extensively for this film. Praveen Desai is the name of my character in the film,” shared the lead actor, Praveen Kumar.

Actress Radhya and actor Cheluvaraju also shared their thoughts on the film “Desai”. The star-studded cast includes Madhusudan Rao, Kalyani, Harini, actor Prashant, Sita Benaka, Aarti Kulkarni, Manjunath Hegde, Srishti (Kantara), and others.


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