Keeping the momentum and staying dynamic is the need of the hour. Madhuchandra, the director renowned for his works like “Vasco da Gama” and “Selfie Mummy Google Daddy,” has returned with his latest venture titled “Mr. Rani.” You might ponder how this is possible. Adding to the intrigue, during the title launch event, Madhuchandra kept the producer on his toes by hinting at the involvement of the legendary actor, Ulaganayakan Dr. Kamal Haasan.

When the producer insisted on clarity regarding Kamal Haasan’s participation, Madhuchandra introduced someone named Kamala instead. This left all the producers fuming at the director. The film’s title was eventually unveiled through a humorous video.

Madhuchandra has christened his new project “Mr. Rani,” emphasizing that the story is just as whimsical as the title suggests. The lead roles in “Mr. Rani” are portrayed by Deepak Subrahmanya, known for his work in the serial “Lakshmi Niwas,” and Parvathy Nair, a talented actor recently seen in “Saaramsha.” The supporting cast includes Srivastha, Roopa Prabhakar, Lakshmi Karanth, Madhuchandra, Anand, Chakravarthy Davangere, and others.

Written and directed by Madhuchandra under Excel Orbit Creations, the film features music by Juda Sandy, cinematography by Rabindranath T, and editing by Madhu Tumbakere. The film’s production team, having completed shooting, is currently immersed in post-production. “Mr. Rani” is a crowd-funded movie, with over 100 individuals contributing to its production.


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