“Naane Hero” stands out as a comedy-centric movie dedicated to Upendra fans. Directed by RK Gandhi and jointly produced by Hagaduru Ashok Reddy, Mutsandra Venkataramaiah, and Sathyavanagesh, under the esteemed banner of Brinda Vidya Pictures, the auspicious muhurta ceremony for this film recently took place at the Nalagutlapalli Saptamatrikeyara temple in Chintamani taluk.

The inaugural scene of the film received applause from senior producer Chintamani B, while Lakshminarayan Reddy of Chaudadevanahalli took charge of the camera.

The storyline revolves around a die-hard Uppi fan’s ambition to carve a niche for himself in the film industry at any cost, encapsulated by the tagline: ‘Nimagen Problemu’. Director RK Gandhi delves into the underlying reasons behind the prevalent fear in the film industry, promising an insightful narrative.

Hagaduru Ashok Reddy, Shobha, Shobharaj, Sasikumar, Ansar Babu, and Mahantesh Virupakshi Samay headline the cast. With Pramod Bharatiya handling the cinematography, M. L. Raja’s musical compositions, Rajiv Krishna Gandhi’s lyrical prowess, and Vinay overseeing the editing process, the meticulous selection of additional artists and technicians is underway. The film crew is gearing up to shoot in Hoskote, Chintamani, and Gandhinagar, the bustling film hubs of Bengaluru.


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