Popular comedy actor turned hero in Kannada cinema, Komal Kumar, enters his 25th film – a few days after another popular Kannada actor, Adhitya, marked his 25th film. Now, it is the launch of the 25th film for Komal Kumar’s brother, RS Member, and famous actor, Navarasa Nayaka Jaggesh.

Produced by Madhu Mariswamy under the Kansale Films banner, directed by Anoop Antony, and starring Komal Kumar in the lead, the 25th film is titled “Kuteera”.

The muhurta ceremony and title unveiling of the film were held in grand style at the Bande Mahankali temple. Many dignitaries from the film industry and members of the film crew participated in the ceremony. Later, the crew briefed the media about the film ‘Kuteera’.

“I have acted in more than a hundred films so far, but as a hero, this is my 25th film. This is a horror comedy fantasy genre film, which I like very much. Earlier, I have acted in some horror comedy films, but the story of this film is a little different. ‘Kuteera’ means home – there is a big house in this movie too. What will the devils do to me when they come and get caught? The director will show that through comedy. CG work has been given more importance in this film,” said Komal Kumar.

Lead actress Priyanka Thimmesh said, “I am an Anglo-Indian character in this film.” Yogesh, music director Bharat BJ, cinematographer Arun Suresh, dialogue writer Shankar Raman, and artist Yash Shetty, Cockroach Sudhi spoke at the media briefing.

Madhu Mariswamy is producing for the first time, and it is directed by Anoop Antony. Priyanka Thimmesh is playing the lead role. “‘Kuteera’ has a star cast of skilled technicians and experienced artists. May the encouragement that you have been giving me in my thirty years of cine journey continue,” stated Komal Kumar.

“Thanks to the producers and Yogesh for the opportunity. When I wrote this story, I thought Komal was the hero. I told the producer too. Komal liked the story. The shooting will begin in the second week of March. Most of the shooting will be done in Bangalore. Priyanka Thimmesh of ‘Ganapa’ fame is the heroine of this film. Yash Shetty, Cockroach Sudhee, etc., are in the star cast. Director Anoop Antony informed that Shankar Raman is writing the dialogues for this film, which has music direction by BG Bharat, cinematography by Arun Suresh, and editing by NM Vishwa.

Special thanks to Sajid Qureshi and my father-in-law, Yogesh, who were the main reason for starting this film. Glad to see Komal playing the lead,” said Producer Madhu Mariswamy. “I hope you all support our first film.”


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