Renowned actor Shivadwaj and prominent journalist Prashanth Rai co-founded Light House Production eight years ago, achieving success with two consecutive reality comedy shows. Now, the dynamic duo is back for the third season of ‘Gichchi Giligili,’ currently airing on the popular Colors Kannada television channel.

In Season 3 of Gichchi Giligili, the highlights are abundant. Notably, the inclusion of the beloved comedy hero Komal Kumar as a judge, alongside the multi-talented Sadhu Kokila and top actress Shruthi. Niranjan Deshpande, another lively personality, serves as the anchor, adding an extra layer of joy to the GG program. Catch Gichchi Giligili 3 every Saturday and Sunday at 9 pm, starting from February 3, 2024, filling the slot left by the recently concluded Big Boss 10 season.

Ten new couples will bring a fresh and vibrant energy to the show. The Gichchi Giligili team will also present a Big Boss mock prank show during the Bigg Boss Grand Finale broadcast. Additionally, numerous contestants from previous Bigg Boss seasons, including the current one, have joined Gichchi Giligili this time, making it a unique and special edition, according to Prashant Nayak, Business Head of Colors Kannada.

The media briefing for Season 3 of Gichchi Giligili featured judges Shruti, Sadhukokila, Komal Kumar, show director Prakash, producers Shivdhwaj and Prashant Rai, and anchor Niranjan Deshpande.

“I was known as a comedian and director, but through ‘Kannada Kogile,’ people discovered my talent as a music director. With the increasing viewership of television, ‘Gichchi Giligili’ has already enjoyed success for two seasons, and Sadhukokila expresses confidence in the third season’s success,” said one of the participants.

The show “Gichchi Giligili” has been instrumental in introducing talent to the film industry, with gratitude expressed towards Colors Kannada for organizing such a platform. Komal Kumar, now a judge on the show, shared his happiness at being part of the program.

Producers Shivdhwaj and Prashant Rai expressed their gratitude to the channel, judges, and the entire team for their collaboration. With the popularity of Gichchi Giligili comedians statewide, the addition of ten new contestants promises even more laughter this season.

Renowned comedians, including Tukali Santhosh, Manju Pavagada, Vinod Gobbargala, Dron Pratap, Ishaani, and Sanjana Chidanand, will showcase their comedic talents. The lineup also includes Colors Kannada’s popular comedians such as Huli Karthik, Shivu, Chillar Manju, Chandraprabha, Manasa, Prashant, Nandish Madiwala, and singers like Karibasava, Puneetha, Mohan, Diksha, Khushi, and Madhumathi from various entertainment programs.

The stage is set for another entertaining season of laughter and joy on ‘Gichchi Giligili 3’!


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