The eminent director and production house of Yogaraj Bhat joining hands with Ravi Shamanur (a lecturer in college) up a full-of-tantrums film ‘Udaala’ and the first look of this with a small teaser was unveiled by popular actor, producer, and writer Daali Dhananjay. The ‘Udaala’ cap was fitted to all the team members – Yogaraj Bhat fitted it to Daali Dhananjay and vice versa.

Yogaraj Bhat with a top-notch position has never fallen back in giving scope for the new talents. With this ‘Udaala’ team, he was over-enthusiastic, as was evident in his speech. Using the dialect of Northern Karnataka Kannada, Yogaraj Bhat was in full zoom to explain the life of the ‘Black Soil’ people.

Yograj Bhatt’s one of the ‘Shishyas’ Amol Patil is making his debut as director, and Hrithik Srinivas is playing the female lead for Pruthvi.

Releasing the first look and teaser Daali Dhananjaya said that he would like to thank Yograj Bhatt first; Yograj Bhatt’s contribution to cinema is immense. Yogaraj Bhat gave me the title “Badava Rascal” to produce. It happens in the industry. Prithvi Shamanur is a good cheerful boy and at the right age, he is at the right hands. He has great scope in the coming days. He is already working with me in ‘Kote,’ and wish him and the entire team well.

Amol Patil, the director of this film, has worked with me for many films stated Yogaraj Bhat. A boy from Bijapur in North Karnataka he is well-read. From the very beginning, he had a desire to make a film about the whole of North Karnataka. Now the time has come. Ravi Shamanur has come forward to produce this film with us. Yogaraj Bhatt said that the title “Udaala” really suits Prithvi.

Director Amol Patil began said “I would like to thank my mentors Yogaraj Bhatt and Ravi Shamanur for giving me this opportunity. ‘Udaala’ is a film in the style of North Karnataka. The shooting will begin at the end of this month in Bijapur. Most of the shooting will be done there. Pruthvi Shamanur is acting as “Udala”. Pruthvi will be seen in the role of Pakya, a tourist guide in Bijapur. Hrithika Srinivas is the heroine of “Udala”. A good team is with me. He said that “Udala” will be a good film that will be appreciated by everyone.

Thank you very much for your support for my previous film. Special thanks to Daali Dhananjaya for unveiling the title, Yogaraj sir for the opportunity, the director, and my father Ravi Shamanur. Lead actor Prithvi Shamanur (his second film – the first one was Padavi Poorva) said that I will play the role of “Udaala” in this film. My role is also good and had taken training for this film role said heroine Hritika Srinivas.

This is the second film I am producing with Yogaraj Bhatt. Thanks to Yograj Bhatt for the opportunity. Producer Ravi Shamanur said that he wants to produce one film a year.

Music director Chetan said he is composing with his friend Danny for this film. and cinematographer Sivashankar prefers to talk after the shooting of the film “Udaala”.


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