Prajwal Devaraj, the dynamic young prince, graced the Sri Renukamba Digital Theater to unveil the trailer of Tanvi Productions’ latest venture, ‘Dheera Samrat,’ expressing his hopes for a positive audience response.

The film, produced by Tanvi Production House and directed by Gulbarga’s Guru Bandi, features newcomers and has already gained popularity with two released songs going viral. The event witnessed the presence of the lead actor Rakesh Biradar, along with heroines Advithi Shetti, Nagendra Urs Yathiraj, Rabindranath, Inchara, Sankalp Patil, Harisharasu, stunt composer Kaurava Venkatesh, and dialogue writer Sairam.

Pawankumar (Pachchi), a seasoned media professional with over a decade of experience in television, wrote and directed the movie, infusing the storyline with a captivating negative character. He contributed to the lyrics and dialogues for the title song.

The film, a suspense thriller suitable for family viewing, narrates the story of the friendship among five courageous boys. The impactful tagline, ‘Dead won’t Die,’ embedded in the trailer, leaves a lasting impression. Exploring themes of exploitation within society, the film incorporates key elements for context, inviting viewers to uncover the meaning behind the title, ‘Dheera Samrat.’

The cast includes Shankarabhat, Shobharaj, Balarajwadi, Rameshbhat, Manmohanrai, Raviraj, Jyotimaruru, Mandyachandru, Girigowda, Prema, Baby Parineeta, and Nandita.

With music by Raghavsubhash, cinematography by Viresh.NTA-Arunsuresh, and editing by Satishchandraiah and AR Sairam, the film boasts action choreographed by Kauravavenkatesh and dance sequences by Murali-Kishore-Sagar. Shot in Bangalore, Tumkur, and Chitradurga, the movie, certified UA, is set to hit screens on February 16.


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