In the 48th production of senior Kannada cinema producer K. Manju, Shreyas, the son of the renowned producer, has teamed up with top-notch director VK Prakash and Malayalam actress Priya Varrier for his third film. The film, titled ‘Vishnupriya,’ witnessed the release of a captivating song, ‘Chiguru Chiguru Samaya,’ at a grand event attended by prominent personalities from the Kannada cinema industry at MMB Legacy.

During the song launch, attended by actors Sharan and Rukmini Vasanth, the lyrics penned by Dr. V Nagendra Prasad were unveiled. Producers Ramesh Reddy, Chetan Kumar, Surappa Babu, along with directors Guru Deshpande, Dayal Padmanaban, Bharjari Chetan, Sathyaprakash, Mahesh Kumar, and actor Vikram Ravichandran, praised the song, drawing parallels with the 2006 blockbuster Kannada film ‘Mungaru Male.’

Set in the 1990s, ‘Vishnupriya’ is a mass love story, capturing the essence of true love during that era.

Actor Sharan, expressing his thoughts on the film, emphasized its emotional impact on the audience, labeling it as a feel-good movie. He commended Shreyas for his dedication and perseverance, noting that the actor used to visit his office regularly after workouts for discussions.

Producer K. Manju, reflecting on the film, shared his trust in the director’s ability to guide his son in the film industry. He stressed the importance of responsible filmmaking and acknowledged the delay in the movie’s release, ensuring it meets the audience’s expectations. Manju expressed his intention to screen the film in advance for a select audience, either on Maha Shivarathri day or on April 5, Shreyas’s birthday.

Directed by National Award winner V.K. Prakash, ‘Vishnupriya’ promises a unique love story intertwined with family values. The film’s music, composed by Malayalam music director Gopi Sundar, enhances the emotional depth of the narrative. Cinematography is handled by Vinod Bharti, while the action sequences are crafted by Vikram More, Jolly Bastin, and Vinod.

The cast includes Suchendra Prasad, Achyut Kumar, Nihal Raj, and others, contributing to the overall allure of ‘Vishnupriya.’


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