Presented during a media gathering at Chamundesware Studio, “Love Reset,” a 25-minute love story directed by IT professional Sri Ganesh, offers a unique perspective. As a debutant director, Sri Ganesh considers this short film a significant precursor to larger projects.

Featuring Pawan Kumar and Sanjana Burli from the popular TV serial “Puttakkana Makkalu,” along with Bhumi Shetty and Ramesh Pandit of Big Boss fame, the short film also includes notable performances by Kalagangotri Manju, Padmakala, and others.

Director Sriganesh, sharing insights after the screening, described the film as a poignant love story capturing the essence of modern romance in just 25 minutes. The soundtrack of the film features the soulful song “Anuragada Nenapeega Koneyagali,” written by Nagendra Prasad, and sung by Sunil from the Sarigampa music reality show and Ananya Prakash. Joel and Abhilash are credited with the music composition, and the song was released by A2 Music. The short film is available on the 7 Shades YouTube channel.

Actor Pawan Kumar, known for his role in the serial “Puttakkana Makkalu,” aims to venture into cinema and plays the character “Amar” in this short film. Director Sriganesh skillfully portrays the choices that individuals make between love and career.

Sanjana Burli, the female lead, expressed her excitement about the distinctive storyline, stating, “The story is very different, and I hope my role is equally compelling.”

The short film was praised by various technicians, including cinematographer Prajwal Bhardwaj, and Ranjith Shankar Gowda served as the assistant director.


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