Following the moderate success of ‘Mugilu Pete,’ director Bharat is now focusing on an intriguing new project. On the auspicious occasion of Sankranthi, he pleasantly surprised everyone by unveiling the first look of his third film, ‘Devanampriya,’ featuring the talented television actor Thandav, known for his role in the popular show ‘Jodi Hakki.’

Transitioning from theater to TV serials, Thandav Ram gained fame through ‘Jodi Hakki’ as Ramanna. His captivating appearance and robust physique paved the way for his entry into the world of cinema. While his roles in Sharat Khadri’s Kannada films ‘Mareyalare’ and ‘Ond Kathe Helala’ were initially inconspicuous, his journey in TV serials established him as a prominent figure.

Thandav Ram now returns as the lead protagonist in his third film, under the direction of Bharat S Navunda, who is also on his third endeavor to showcase his directorial prowess.

Bharat S. Navunda, known for directing ‘Adachanegaagi Kshamisi’ and ‘Mugil Pete,’ has unveiled the title and first look of their latest collaboration, ‘Devanampriya,’ on this harvest festival day.

Translated as “loved by the gods,” the first-look poster of ‘Devanampriya’ is visually striking and prompts numerous inquiries. A closer inspection reveals intriguing elements, including a shouting hero, the presence of Veerabhadra Swami, a feminine figure behind the hero, two villages, and more.

This family-centric and revival-themed ‘Devanampriya’ film will be produced in both Kannada and Telugu, boasting a stellar ensemble cast. A Cube Films will be handling the film’s production, with shooting scheduled to commence next week.


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