The timeless melody of the 1960s, “Sathya Harischandra” with the iconic song “Kuladalli Kilyavudo Huchchappa,” continues to resonate in our hearts. Often performed as the closing piece in orchestral renditions, the emotional graveyard scene featuring Dr. Rajakumar and MP Shanker remains a poignant highlight.

Fast forward over 60 years since the release of “Sathya Harischandra,” and the magic of this song lives on as the title of a new Kannada film – “Kuladalli Kilyavudo.” The essence of the song intertwines seamlessly with the narrative of this film, where Manu Madenuru makes his debut as the leading hero under the direction of Shreyas Raj Shetty. Produced by Yogaraj Cinemas and Pearl Cine Creations, the film boasts joint investments from renowned director and producer Yogaraj Bhatt, Vidya, and Santhosh Kumar.

The muhurut for the film took place at the Sri Vinayaka Satya Ganapati Shirdi Saibaba Temple in J.P. Nagar, setting the stage for a promising debut by director Shreyas Raj Shetty. The winner of “Comedy Kiladigulu” season 2, Manu Madenoor, takes center stage in this production. Navarasa Nayaka Jaggesh unveiled the title and poster, extending best wishes to the entire team.

Yogaraj Bhatt shares that the title had been with him for four years, and Yogi Gowda, the writer responsible for the story, screenplay, and dialogues, passionately advocated for it. Bhatt acknowledges that the film’s storyline captivated him, leading to his agreement on the chosen title.

The film features Manu Madenoor as the hero, Sonal Montero as the heroine, and notable actors like Diganth, Rangayana Raghu, and Sarath Lohitashwa in supporting roles. Melody King Manomurthy composes the music, with Niranjan Babu handling cinematography.

Set in the 1970s, the narrative initially contemplated a comedy genre for Manu Madenoor. However, director Shreyas Raj Shetty and the team opted for a unique storyline, emphasizing a departure from the expected. Shetty expresses gratitude for the opportunity and assures a dedicated approach to the directorial role.

Manu Madenoor, reminiscing about his rise through the ranks in the “Comedy Kiladigalu” show, expresses gratitude to Jaggesh, Rakshita, and Yogaraj Bhatt. He extends thanks to Yogaraj Bhatt, Santhosh Kumar, and Vidya for their investment in the film.

Lead actress Sonal Montero, along with Diganth, Rangayana Raghu, Sarath Lohitashwa, Mauna Guddemane, music director Manomurthy, and producer Renuka Yogaraj Bhatt, share their insights and excitement about the film during the event.

Producers Santosh Kumar and Vidya express their joy in collaborating with Yogaraj Bhatt, setting the stage for what promises to be a remarkable cinematic venture.


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