A Kannada film titled ‘The Rulers,’ inspired by a real-life incident in 2017 that culminated in a positive resolution in 2023, underscores the formidable influence of the constitution. This cinematic endeavor, skillfully crafted by Dr. KM Sandesh, who serves as the story, screenplay, and dialogue writer, delves into the realms of Kolar district but resonates with the broader context of India. The film, a testament to the strength of the constitution, made its media debut on a Saturday morning at the Renukamba Digital Theater in Malleswaram, Bengaluru, after extensive shooting.

Dr. KM Sandesh, recognized as an activist for social causes in real life, draws inspiration from a heinous incident in Kolar district that resulted in justice being served. With 151 inter-caste marriages and over 300 initiatives promoting social justice to his credit, Sandesh received an honorary doctorate from Columbia University. The narrative of ‘The Rulers’ intricately weaves together courtroom drama, police procedures, and women’s issues. The filming locations include Kolara and Chikballapura.

The film’s producer, Ashwath Balagere, a farmer by profession, has invested a substantial Rs.4.5 crores in the project, expressing deep admiration for its concept. Balagere, known for engaging in conversations with ordinary people at tea shops for the past 25 years, believes this gives the film an authentic connection with the common man.

Uday Bhasker, making his directorial debut with ‘The Rulers’ after over a decade of experience in the direction department, has also contributed to two Tamil films and excels in film editing.

The actor renowned for his role in the KGF series, Long Beard Pathaan, expresses confidence in the film’s quality, applauding the humility of the producer.

Charan Raj, a seasoned actor, takes on the role of a police officer, emphasizing that the film addresses atrocities against women and the pursuit of justice. Vishal, in his debut as a hero, showcases two distinct shades alongside the female lead Rithika Gowda from Kolara and Durga Buddi Deepa, a mother in her 50s, who is also part of the cast. Mithun lends support to the film’s release.

With a soundtrack featuring five songs, one of which highlights the contributions of Dr. Ambedkar, the film boasts vocals from renowned artists such as KS Chitra, Sandhavi, and Kailash Kher.


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