The renowned director Manju Maskal Matti, known for his popular films such as ‘Manasugala Mathu Madhura,’ has returned to the world of filmmaking after a brief hiatus. He has taken on the role of a producer and assembled an impressive ensemble cast for his latest project.

The auspicious muhurat for the film ‘Varaahachakram’ was conducted at the Durgaparameshwari temple in Chandra Layout, with the esteemed presence of former minister R Ashok. Ashok marked the occasion by sounding the clapboard and imparting his blessings for the team’s success. In today’s digital age, society faces numerous challenges across various aspects of life, and this film aims to address these challenges at its core.

The film features Telugu actor Bhanuchander, along with senior actor Prema, Saikumar, Arjun Dev, Raana, Imran Sharief, Aryan, Prathik Gowda, and supporting actors like Shobharani, Priya Tarun, Aanya, Jahnavi, Deeksha, Chaitra, Chi Gurudut, Shobharaj, Neha Ansari, Manju Maskal Matti, among others. The team is also exploring the possibility of bringing in popular Hindi actor Sonu Sood for a cameo role.

‘Varaahachakram,’ a production of Lavanya Group and Manvanthari Movie Makers, places the themes of the eyes, pen, and gun at the forefront of the narrative, according to Manju MM. The filming locations include Ballari, Hiriyuru, Bengaluru, Chitradurga, Tamil Nadu, Pollachchi, Varanasi, and Kashi, with twenty days of shooting completed.

Senior actress Prema expressed her delight in portraying a role that she has never attempted in her career before, one that encompasses both negative and positive shades. This is her second collaboration with senior Telugu actor Bhanuchander, with their previous successful film being ‘Devi.’

Dr. V Nagendra Prasad is responsible for composing the music for the film’s five songs, and he will also be seen in an intriguing role. He describes the film as a commercial package that combines family values and entertaining elements.

Bhanuchander, a senior actor in Telugu cinema, is thrilled to return to the Kannada film industry after an extended hiatus. He plays a judicial role in the film.

The film ‘Varaahachakram’ boasts Sharath Kumar G as the cinematographer and Bhargava as the film’s editor.


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