In the inaugural film meeting, NM Suresh, the President of KFCC, took the oath and featured a ‘Vesha’ trailer as a guest alongside the popular hero Vinod Prabhakar at SRV Theater in Bengaluru.

Commending the enthusiasm of the newly-formed team, President Suresh of KFCC advised the emerging filmmakers to take the correct actions and revealed his commitment to several promising initiatives aimed at benefiting the Kannada cinema industry. Vinod Prabhakar, as a guest, extended a warm welcome to the new team of filmmakers and praised the action sequences showcased in the trailer.

The ‘Vesha’ trailer boasts a range of emotions, generating substantial interest and views on the A2 music channel.

In life’s journey, everyone undergoes a transformation at some point. In this particular film, the protagonist is compelled to change his persona for the greater good, as explained by director Krishna Nadpal. Known for directing a number of short films, Krishna Nadpal is making his debut with ‘Vesha’.

Raghavendra, both the hero and producer of the film, hails from a strong theatrical background and considers acting his passion. He expressed his gratitude to Vinod Prabhakar for his unwavering support since the inception of the project. It’s worth noting that director Krishna Nadpal ended up suggesting Raghavendra for the lead role, as a few other actors had turned down the offer, reflecting on this unique turn of events.

Nidhi Maroli is making her debut in this film, and the cast also includes Soukhya Gowda, Jay Shetty in the role of the antagonist, Raja Ali, Shilpa Kumata, stunt director Jaguar Sannappa, music director Uttam Sarang, creative head Keerthan Shetty, and various others who addressed the media.

‘Vesha’ is a collaborative effort between Krishi Studios and Sachit Films and is being distributed throughout Karnataka by Venkat Gowda.


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