Rohith, a talented individual hailing from Northern Karnataka, possesses impressive academic credentials and entrepreneurial acumen. His debut film, ‘Rakthaksha,’ recently captured a captivating foot-tapping song titled ‘Arrest Me Baby,’ which has been stored in the camera for posterity. Notably, Rohith also serves as the film’s producer and assumes a prominent role in it.

The song’s engaging lyrics, penned by Sujith Venkataramaiah, were skillfully delivered by Supriya Ram as part of Dossmode’s music composition. This track, infused with the unique flavor of Northern Karnataka, has garnered a positive response since its release.

Rohith, transitioning from the modeling industry, dedicated considerable effort to his fitness regimen, resulting in a robust physique. ‘Rakthaksha’ is a production by Sai Production, with Vasudev SN making his directorial debut.

The film boasts a distinguished cast, including KGF fame Roopa Rayappa, Archana Kottige, Rachana Dashrath, Gurudev Nagaraj, Ramanna, Vilas, Prabhu, Vishwa, Bhadri, Narayana, Basavaraj Aadapura, Bhat, and others portraying various roles. Notably, Pramod Shetty plays a pivotal character in the movie.

Actor Vasishta Simha played a pivotal role in promoting ‘Rakthaksha’ by contributing the title track to the film.

Furthermore, there is a heartwarming aspect to Rohith’s story, as his philanthropic endeavors have recently come to light. On his birthday last August 15, he generously donated food grains to several Anathashramas and provided books to children in the Maski, Lingasugur, and Sindhanur localities. His commitment to social work dates back to 2014, where he has consistently supported organizations like Akshaya Patra, Adamya Chetana, UNICEF, and others. In the memory of the late Power Star Puneeth Rajakumar, he has extended his assistance to orphanages over the past year.


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