An eagerly anticipated film collaboration between Golden Star Ganesh and Preetham Gubbi, “Baanadariyalli” marks their fourth project together. This romantic drama, produced by Sri Vaare Talkies, also features Rukmini Vasanth, Reeshma Nanaiah, and Rangayana Raghu in prominent roles. In this movie, you can expect the classic elements associated with this duo: love, rain, and separation.

The title of “Baanadariyalli” is drawn from the iconic song ‘Baana Daariyalli Surya Jaari Hoda,’ sung by Puneeth Rajkumar, who made his early appearance as a child artist in the 1981 Kannada film “Bhagyavantha.” This song has been strategically placed in several crucial scenes in the movie. When you hear the song in Appu’s voice in the film, it will undoubtedly strike a chord with his devoted fans.

The story revolves around Sid (Ganesh), an aspiring cricketer and pickle industry entrepreneur, who falls in love with Leela (Rukmini), a national champion swimmer and passionate nature conservationist. However, Leela’s father, Vasu (Rangayana Raghu), opposes their union. The film’s crux lies in Leela’s desire to see the two men she loves most come to terms with each other. Their journey together in Kenya is where the story explores their evolving bond. Kadambari (Reeshma Nanaiah), a travel blogger and Gen-Z influencer, accompanies them on this journey.

Abhilash Kalathi’s cinematography employs two distinct styles in the film. The controlled atmosphere scenes are shot in a traditional manner, while the Kenya portion is filmed documentary-style. Kalathi effectively captures the beauty of Maasai Mara, and his framing of the actors amidst the wildlife is noteworthy.

The “Baanadariyalli” team has integrated numerous adventurous and sporty elements to offer a unique experience to viewers. From Golden Star Ganesh fulfilling his childhood dream of being a cricketer to Rukmani Vasant undergoing surfing training for her character, the film showcases a range of experiences. The Kenyan segment introduces viewers to the rich wildlife, featuring lions, zebras, giraffes, hippos, flamingos, and more, along with safari and a Hot Air Balloon ride.

However, the movie falls short in terms of its content and direction, with a predictable storyline, subdued emotions, and dialogues that, while attention-grabbing in places, fail to maintain a strong overall impact. The story had the potential to be more compelling, especially during the journey sequences where viewers visually experience places and things but fail to become emotionally invested.

Despite the presence of highly talented actors such as Ganesh and Rangayana Raghu, both of whom deliver impressive performances both individually and in collaboration, the expected chemistry between them falls short due to the shortcomings in the script. Rukmini Vasant, who garnered attention for her role in “Saptha Sagaradache Ello,” has done justice to her character but is constrained. Reeshma Nanaiah’s portrayal of Kadambari also lacks the necessary depth and research to provide a realistic touch.

“Baanadariyalli” is a decent watch that you can enjoy with family and friends for a simple and peaceful time during this extended weekend, provided you keep your expectations in check.


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