The veteran yesteryear actor, Mahalakshmi, has made a triumphant return to Kannada cinema through ‘TRP Rama.’ This Kannada film, directed and acted by Raviprasad, recently unveiled its teaser. The movie delves into the issues of women’s plight and underscores the pivotal role of the media.

During this event, Mahalakshmi, a seasoned actress with 40 years of experience in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam films, passionately advocated for the Gandhian principle embodied by the three monkeys: “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” She emphasized the importance of instilling this principle in today’s children, believing that it would lead to a better life. ‘TRP Rama,’ the Kannada film, echoes these themes, providing both high-quality entertainment and valuable life lessons for generations. Mahalakshmi stated that while the government makes decisions, they are not always implemented properly. She emphasized that ‘TRP Rama’ is more than just a movie; it is a portrayal of life.

The protagonist and director, Ravi Prasad, shared that he initially struggled to find a suitable story for a substantial budget film. It was then that he came across the story of ‘TRP Rama.’ Although he had not originally intended to play the role of ‘Rama,’ the compelling content compelled him to do so. The film combines commercial appeal with a powerful message. Having Mahalakshmi Madam on board added significant value to the project. The team is gearing up to seek certification from the censor board and plans to release the film in October.

Om Saiprakash, a respected director and guest at the event, emphasized the importance of addressing topics close to the heart to garner attention. He noted that the deeply ingrained mindset and atrocities against women continue despite the laws in place. He praised Mahalakshmi as a remarkable actress and expressed curiosity about the lead actor’s portrayal of the role of Rama, likening his appearance to that of Ravana.

Sparsha RK, who plays a journalist in the film, credited Mahalakshmi Madam as her motivation for accepting the role. She expressed her honor in working alongside a legendary actor. The dialogues for the film were written by Praveen Sooda.

Produced by Ashutosh Pictures, this film features Raj Guru’s music, Sunil Kashyap’s editing, Guruprasad’s cinematography, and Rakesh Acharya’s background score.


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