Emerging from a challenging two-year period, Darshan, the acclaimed star of Kannada cinema, found himself in high spirits as he addressed the press alongside his team during the unveiling of his latest magnum opus, ‘Kaatera.’

In a jovial tone, Darshan revealed that he had successfully completed 71 out of the 85 days allotted for ‘Kaatera.’ He expressed his typical schedule for Action Ventures typically spanning 85 days. Tarun Sudhir, the director, now faces the task of managing the remaining time to complete three songs. This arrangement allowed the director to utilize the available time with precision. Darshan confidently anticipated completing one song in just three days, and he believed that wrapping up the remaining three songs within 9 or 10 days would be achievable.

Darshan extended his gratitude to his team members and particularly praised the dialogue writer, Manju Masthi, for his exceptional work. He emphasized that Masthi’s dialogue writing required no alterations and was devoid of any vulgarity or potential offense throughout the film ‘Kaatera.’

According to Darshan, in the grand scheme of things, there is no distinction between big and small films; every film is significant. He took a moment to reminisce about his earlier days, mentioning his collaboration with veteran actor Kumar Govind, with whom he had worked as a lighting assistant during the production of the film ‘Chikka.’

Another close friend in the industry, Actor Jagapathi Babu, was acknowledged for his contributions, and Avinash, a versatile actor, was recognized for his diverse roles over the course of his career.

Darshan emphasized the importance of love and camaraderie within the film industry. He shared that people in the industry rarely spend their time isolated in caravans; instead, they come together for meals and interactions, from the light boy to the producer, creating a sense of unity on set.


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