KRG Studios, a renowned production powerhouse making strides in the distribution domain, is teaming up with TVF Motion Pictures for a new Kannada film titled ‘Powder’. KRG Studios, known for their past projects like Rathnan Prapancha, Gurudev Hoysala, and the on-going Uttarakaanda is now collaborating with TVF Motion Pictures.

TVF short for The Viral Fever, was an early entrant into the Indian digital entertainment landscape, launching as a YouTube channel in 2010. They pioneered the web-series trend with hits such as Permanent Roommates, Pitchers, Tripling, and recent successes like Panchayat, Kota Factory, and Cubicles, which gained significant popularity and acclaim.

The illustrious Abhinaya Chakravarthy, Kichcha Sudeepa, did the honor of inaugurating the film’s production by clapping the slate for the inaugural shot on the occasion of Varamahalakshmi Festival Day. The camera was ceremoniously turned on by Ramakrishna Gowda, father of producer Karthik Gowda.

Distinguished guests including Daali Dhananjaya, Santhosh Ananddram, Rohit Padaki, Dheeren Ramkumar, Naveen Shankar, K Manju, Bhoomi Shetty, Arnab Kumar from TVF, along with Vijay Koshi and Chaitanya Kumbakonam, were present to extend their best wishes for the success of the new film.

‘Powder’ falls within the comedy genre, revolving around a young man in a rural village who stumbles upon a stash of cocaine. A mischievous gang is at the heart of this cocaine discovery. Driven by the desire for wealth, the young man and his friends venture into cocaine dealing, encountering a mastermind along the way. The journey of those who find their true path unfolds on the silver screen, providing an entertaining narrative.

The film, directed by Janardhan Chikkanna of ‘Gultoo’ fame, features popular actors like Diganth Manchale, Dhanya Ramkumar, Sharmila Mandre, Anirudh Acharya, Rangayana Raghu, Achyuth Kumar, and Ravishankar Gowda in diverse roles.

The music, composed by award-winning Seen Rolden, complements the story and screenplay penned by Deepak Venkateshan. Shanthi Sagar serves as the cinematographer, while Chaitanya Kumbhakonum known for directing web series like Girls Hostel, Cubicles, and Sixer takes on the role of creative producer.

KRG Studios, known for their meticulous approach to production, has announced the film’s release date as April 5, 2024. This confidence is a testament to the belief of Karthik Gowda and the entire team. Arnab Kumar expressed immense satisfaction in partnering with KRG Studios for this production.

Director Janardhan Chikkanna emphasized that ‘Powder’ is a comedy tailored for family audiences. The prominent cast members, including Sharmila Mandre, Dhanya, Anirudh Acharya, Achyuth Kumar, and Ravishanker Gowda, shared their joy in being part of the Kannada film ‘Powder’, a collaboration between two major production houses.


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