The grand inauguration of the new entertainment hub, ‘Jollywood’, took place on Sunday evening, graced by prominent figures such as Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka, DK Shivakumar, Magadi MLA Balakrishna, Member of Parliament D K Suresh, renowned Kannada cinema icon Dr. Shivarajakumar, and CEO Arav. The visionary behind this endeavor, multi-business entrepreneur Dr. Ishari K Ganesh, has transformed the former Innovative Film City in Bidadi Taluk into the splendid ‘Jollywood’, a one-stop destination for complete amusement.

This spectacular venture, brought forth by VELS Studios and Entertainment Private Limited, marks a significant contribution to Bengaluru and its environs by Dr. Ishari K Ganesh, the founder and chancellor of Vels University, Vels Group of Institutions, and Companies.

Strategically situated in the Bidadi Industrial area of Ramanagara district, Karnataka, Jollywood is a realization of Dr. Ishari Ganesh’s lifelong dream. Originating from modest beginnings, he emphasizes the power of perseverance and belief in one’s dreams. Dr. Ganesh, who has achieved remarkable success in various domains over the past three decades, including education, sports, films, five-star hotels, and resorts, envisioned the concept of the theme park. With 33 captivating attractions, Jollywood opened its doors to the public on August 27th. Dr. Ganesh expressed his gratitude towards attendees from across the nation who graced the inauguration and extended honors to esteemed guests present on stage.

Prominent figures like MP DK Suresh and Local MLA Balakrishna expressed hope for Jollywood to contribute positively to the Sandalwood industry. Dr. Shivarajakumar, a legend in Kannada cinema, envisioned Jollywood as a harmonious amalgamation of Tollywood, Bollywood, Kollywood, Mollywood, and Sandalwood during the inauguration ceremony. He also praised Arav, a rising star in Kannada cinema, and anticipated a bright future for him.

The esteemed guest of the evening, Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar, clarified that while he isn’t a business partner, he holds a deep connection to the locality. He acknowledged the positive sentiments expressed by his supporters about Jollywood and emphasized the importance of happiness (‘santosha’) in one’s life. DK Shivakumar acknowledged the supportive nature of the local community and extended his best wishes to Ishari Ganesh and the entire team.

In conclusion, the inauguration of ‘Jollywood’ marked a significant milestone in the realm of entertainment, bringing together distinguished personalities, the aspiration of Dr. Ishari K Ganesh, and the support of the community. This transformative venture holds the potential to reshape the entertainment landscape for people of all ages, catering to a diverse range of interests and ensuring a memorable experience for all visitors.


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