The eagerly awaited sequel, titled ‘Sanju Weds Geetha,’ is finally in the works. The original film, starring Srinagara Kitty and Ramya, made waves twelve years ago. However, the second installment takes a fresh turn, featuring the talented Rachita Ram, the reigning star of the Kannada film industry.

Renowned director Nagashekhar, who also wears the hat of a famous comedian, remains at the helm, joined by Srinagara Kitty and introducing Rachita Ram in place of Ramya (Divya Spandana), as a tragic twist awaits in the final scene of ‘Sanju Weds Geetha.’

This sequel, ‘Sanju Weds Geetha 2,’ holds a special dedication to Karnataka Rathna Power Star Dr. Puneeth Rajakumar and his wife, Smt Ashwini. The auspicious mahurat shot was kicked off by Smt Ashwini, with the camera being switched on by Varalakshmi, the mother of director Nagashekhar, amidst the presence of esteemed dignitaries at Lalith Ashok Hotel.

Before the launch, an audiovisual treat showcasing scenes and songs from the previous film set the stage for the title track. Backed by Nagashekhar Movies and Pavitra International Movie Makers, with additional production support from Mahanandi Creations, this venture looks promising.

Nagashekhar, harking back to his early days working on ‘Ninagagi’ under S Mahender, expressed his delight at having the esteemed presence of the veteran. The teaser release marked a long-cherished desire, as he had envisioned this project five years ago. With Ramya Madam deeply engrossed in politics, Rachita Ram was the natural choice. Nagashekhar emphasized the pivotal role of the actors’ performances in this film, while maintaining his signature focus on engaging narratives and melodious tracks.

The musical prowess of Sridhar Sambram shines through in the film’s delightful tunes, with a total of five compositions gracing the soundtrack.

Considering Nagashekhar’s impressive track record, Chaluvadi Kumar has enthusiastically come on board as an investor. Even after a dozen years, the melodies of ‘Sanju Weds Geetha’ continue to linger in people’s hearts. Co-producer MC Narayan lauds the exceptional talent within the team, expressing confidence in the sequel’s triumph.

Rachita Ram, adored by cinephiles for her acting prowess and captivating beauty, exudes joy at the grand launch of the film. Collaborating with Nagashekhar for the first time, she commends his unwavering dedication, a trait evident during the film’s photoshoot. Rachita Ram pledges her full commitment to delivering a remarkable performance in her role.

Srinagara Kitty, a popular actor, concurs with Nagashekhar’s emphasis on a compelling storyline. Promising yet another cinematic masterpiece, Kitty expresses his delight at working alongside Rachita Ram for the first time.

The grand launch of the ‘Sanju Weds Geetha 2’ Kannada film witnessed the presence of notable figures such as cinematographer Sathya Hegde, music director Sridhar V Sambhram, and esteemed guests including Abhishek Ambarish, Aditya, Manjunath IAS, Karthik Gowda, former MLA LA Balaraj, Nagathihalli Chandrasekhar, KFCC President Ba Ma Harish, and prominent producer, distributor, and exhibitor Jack Manjunath.


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