Shah Rukh Khan, the immensely popular icon of Indian cinema, graces the global stage once again with his latest mesmerizing endeavor, ‘Jawan.’ This cinematic marvel has delighted fans worldwide with the release of its enchanting Tamil song, ‘Hayyoda…,’ featuring none other than the king of romance himself, Shah Rukh Khan.

Crafted by the musical genius Anirudh Ravichander, this captivating composition showcases the remarkable vocal talents of Anirudh and Priya Mali. The evocative lyrics, penned by Vivek, add an exquisite layer of emotion to this cinematic melody.

A noteworthy highlight is the scintillating presence of both Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara, infusing the song with global appeal and intrigue. Renowned choreographer Farah Khan, a luminary in the Hindi cinema realm, has lent her creative touch to the song’s choreography, elevating it to new heights.

Produced by Gowri Khan and co-produced by Gaurav Verma under the banner of Red Chillis Entertainment, ‘Jawan’ is a cinematic masterpiece set to grace screens worldwide on September 7, 2023.

The stellar cast of ‘Jawan’ includes not only Shah Rukh Khan but also the charismatic Nayanthara, the talented Vijay Sethupathi, and the enchanting Deepika Padukone, making a special appearance that adds to the film’s allure. Helmed by the visionary director Atlee, the film boasts the expertise of GK Vishnu as the cinematographer, Ruben as the editor, and T Muthuraj as the mastermind behind the stunning design elements.


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