Karnataka’s Chief Minister, Siddaramaiah, has officially announced that the 16th edition of the Bengaluru International Film Festival (BIFFes) will be held from March 1 to 8, 2025. The highly anticipated festival, now recognized as a prominent global cultural event, will showcase over 200 films from more than 60 countries. With a total budget of Rs 9 crore—an increase from the previous year’s Rs 7 crore—the festival promises an exciting cinematic experience.

The theme for this year’s festival, “Garden of Peace for All Nations,” will highlight the importance of global peace, building on last year’s focus on social justice. “This theme emphasizes our ongoing commitment to addressing critical global issues through the powerful medium of cinema,” said Siddaramaiah. He further noted that BIFFes continues to solidify Bengaluru’s position as a key international hub for cinematic dialogue.

Since its inception in 2006, BIFFes has evolved into a prestigious platform for films of all types, from independent films to mainstream blockbusters. This year, screenings will take place at 13 venues across Bengaluru, including major locations such as Orion Mall, Kalavidara Sangha, and Suchitra Film Society. The festival will feature nearly 400 screenings, providing an immersive and enriching experience for cinema enthusiasts.

In addition to international films, BIFFes will also highlight Indian cinema, with a dedicated committee to review Kannada films for government subsidies. The festival’s continued expansion reflects its growing global recognition, with a wide variety of genres and filmmaking traditions on display.

G. Hemanthraju, registrar of the Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy, emphasized that the festival continues to attract filmmakers and audiences from around the world, fostering cultural exchange and celebrating the art of cinema.


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