Titled “13,” this Kannada film features Raghavendra Rajakumar and Shruthi, portraying a Hindu-Muslim couple, directed by Narendra Babu. The film has obtained a U/A certificate after undergoing the censor process, and now it’s gearing up for release under the Yuvi Productions banner. The movie is backed by joint producers K Sampath Kumar, HS Manjunath, Manjunath Gowda, and C Keshavamurthy.
“13” delves into the depiction of an exemplary couple, highlighting their journey as they confront unexpected life-threatening situations in the latter part of the story, adding a thrilling dimension to the narrative. The film draws inspiration from a true incident in the Dakshin Kannada region of Karnataka.
Raghavendra Rajakumar plays the role of a retired Army officer, while Shruthi portrays Saira Babu, a Muslim tea shop owner. The film introduces Pramod Shetty as a resolute police officer. Behind the scenes, Manjunath Naidu manages the cinematography, and the musical score for “13” is composed by Sohan Babu.